Frequently Asked Questions

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Search for items on a specific topic


Search for a topic in the main search bar.  

You can refine your search results.

Select the “Personalize” feature at the top of your results to narrow your results. You can select up to 5 preferred disciplines. 

You can “Tweak your results” and filter by “Availability,” “Resource Type,” “Creation Date,” “Subject,” “Language,” “Journal Title,” and “Collection.” 

Use Boolean operators to expand or narrow your results. Boolean operators include AND, OR, and NOT. For example, to find items on plant diseases in Monstera plants, try typing (Monstera OR Philodendron) AND (Plant Disease). 

Do an advanced search. 

If you need more help, contact a subject specialist. The library website has a list of subject specialists.  


Reference, Search, Explorative Search, Information Retrieval, Topical Relevance, Education, Educational Psychology, Nursing, History, Business, Social Sciences, STEM, Theology, Research, Boolean, Algorithmic Relevance, Library Catalog, MARQCAT