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72 views | 0 Vote this question as useful. 0 Vote this question as not useful. | Last updated on Nov 27, 2024 Accessing Resources Library Technology
Only individuals with Marquette University credentials can access the library’s resources off-campus. The majority of the library's resources can be accessed using your MU credentials (via OpenAthens). For more details about logging in, see our Off Campus Access page.
NOTE: Alumni and guests must be on campus and connected to Marquette Wi-Fi to access articles.
For some select resources, you may need to be connected to the Marquette VPN to access the library’s resources off-campus.
A VPN is a secured connection from outside Marquette. Before using the VPN, you must have a Duo account for multi-factor authentication.
Follow the directions on this page to register a device with Duo.
To log in to Marquette VPN, follow this link: https://vpn.marquette.edu/. Use your Marquette University credentials when prompted.
Proceed to access the article(s) from the library from the A-Z Database List or from MARQCAT.